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Posted On November 30, 2019
By Admin

Worldwide Phenomenon – Destruction and Diseases by Pests

Pollution and contamination are increasing day by day as the population is rising and development is taking place. It is also giving rise to a lot of living and nonliving organisms which are harmful to human health and the environment. These organisms or pests are a source of multiple diseases and devastation to human lives and belongings. Pests multiply very fast and can be found in clusters which are very difficult to cut. They hide from the human eye and cause destruction in hiding. It is very difficult to find them in the first phase and when they come into notice, already a lot of damage has been made. So it is necessary to keep our houses and offices pest free by a regular system of pest control. They are a cause of environmental hazards as well and pollute the lower strata of the air and cause allergies, cold and cough, and other diseases. This is the air we breathe in and the bacteria enter the human body through the air we inhale.

Various kinds of Pests

Different kinds of pests survive on earth such as Termites, cockroaches, rodents, lizards, etc. Rodents like rats are a great menace as they cut clothes and contaminate food and can also cause deadly diseases like plague infecting thousands of people and cities together, leading to a big loss in human life and properties. To stop this menace, our air and towns should be kept free from pests by using pest control. To keep cities clean and pest free, the government of the city has to have a regular system of pest control which has to be followed in a systematic way.

Pest Control and Techniques

Pest control is the elimination, removal or reduction of insects, bugs, spiders, termites, rodents or wildlife, which is causing problems and damage to human lives. Pest control methodologies can be natural, biological, no- chemical or may involve the use of pesticides, fumigants or herbicides. Generally, it is recommended to treat the homes and lawns every month for the removal of pests as the effect of pest control lasts for around one to two months. Pest control workers investigate, find and remove them from our surroundings.

Government and Pest Control

Most of the towns and cities have their own system of pest control undertaken by the administration of that town. Fumigation and spraying of insecticides and pesticides in open public spaces and cleanliness of the town is the responsibility of the municipal commission of that city. Dubai has an effective pest control service which ensures an effective pest-free environment. Dubai Municipality Pest Control has a system in which pest control companies get approved and given certificates to work under them for the cleaning and maintenance of the city. The Dubai Municipality hires pest control teams to work for them and keep the environment clean and pest free.

Other Pest control Services in Dubai also have an effective and efficient pest control service and impart their work quickly and efficiently with a follow-up of the program as well. Availing their services at a little price saves our environment, health, and properties from damage. Pest control treatments are the most effective way to keep diseases at bay.