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Posted On January 12, 2021
By Admin

Organic Pest Control Methods

Pest control is a crucial part of a home or building maintenance. Pests can make your life miserable and compromise your home’s safety and pose a threat to you and your loved ones as well. That is why everyone should know how to deal with a potential infestation to safeguard your family. And there are many organic pest control methods you can do yourself to solve it. However, in severe infestation cases, we strongly recommend you to bring in a professional pest control service to flush out any pests and seal the place for good.

Moving forward to the DIY pest control methods, it is essential to follow practices that aren’t harmful to humans. Therefore, let’s look at some of the most common organic pest control methods that cause no harm to your family, pets and your friendly insects.

Diatomaceous Earth

Diatomaceous earth or DE is one of the most common pest control methods used inside the home and organic agriculture. DE is an excellent repellent against ants, cockroaches, and dust mites. They are non-toxic, inexpensive, and safe around kids and pets. Therefore, it is a perfect choice of pest control both inside and outside your home. However, ensure that the DE you collect is food grade. Sprinkle them at the area of where the pests gather, and it will take care of the rest.

Neem Oil

Extracted from the neem tree in the Asian continent, neem oil acts as a fantastic agent to repel insects, mosquitoes and beetles in particular. It has ingredients that inhibit the growth of the insects and helps to reduce the number of potential pests in and around your house. You can spray it against surfaces where you see insects or on the ground where they gather as a preventive measure.

Beneficial Organisms

You can get help from other organisms like ladybugs, praying mantis, parasitic wasps or cats to control the pests in your garden and home. The insects will prey on other insects and cats are an excellent choice for controlling potential rat infestation. You can also deploy a golden fish in your rain barrel at your garden to prevent the spread of mosquitoes in your premises.

Bait Traps

There are bait traps available for all types of insects. For flies, make a thick sugar solution which will trap the flies once they touch the solution. You can also find ready-made bait traps for rats and other rodent pests at your local supermarket. You can also apply the same method to confront mosquitoes with safe and non-toxic insecticides available commercially. However, only the male mosquitoes are vulnerable to the traps and are useful only if the infestation is in the initial stages. Otherwise, we strongly recommend you to get expert help.


Even though not a control method, ensuring proper hygiene in and around your premises. It is the best way to keep pests away from your building. Cockroaches, flies, bugs, mosquitoes and rats are all under a constant search for food. And they will thrive if you do not dispose of your food waste properly. Therefore, take extra precautions in keeping your surroundings clutter and litter-free. It is a very effective method to prevent a potential infestation rather than taking action once the pests take over.

It is essential to look out for any potential infestation and take quick action before they become severe. However, suppose you are unaware of the scenario. In that case, the best practice is to hire a Municipality approved pest control Dubai service to help you out. And also deliver a safe and secure living environment for you and your family.